Thursday, December 17, 2020

How Twitter is Censoring the COVID-19 Vaccine Narrative

On December 16, 2020, this appeared on Twitter's blog:



This isn't the first time that Twitter has attempted to steer the COVID-19 in its preferred direction as shown here:


So, how is Twitter going to "set the vaccine record straight"?  Here is what is going to encourage Twitter to censor Tweets:


"Moving forward and beginning next week, we are expanding the policy and may require people to remove Tweets which advance harmful false or misleading narratives about COVID-19 vaccinations, including: 

1.) False claims that suggest immunizations and vaccines are used to intentionally cause harm to or control populations, including statements about vaccines that invoke a deliberate conspiracy;

2.) False claims which have been widely debunked about the adverse impacts or effects of receiving vaccinations; or

3.) False claims that COVID-19 is not real or not serious, and therefore that vaccinations are unnecessary.

Starting in early 2021, we may label or place a warning on Tweets that advance unsubstantiated rumors, disputed claims, as well as incomplete or out-of-context information about vaccines. Tweets that are labeled under this expanded guidance may link to authoritative public health information or the Twitter Rules to provide people with additional context and authoritative information about COVID-19."

Here's how Twitter plans to do it:


"Using a combination of technology and human review, we will begin enforcing this updated policy on December 21, and expanding our actions during the following weeks. We will enforce this policy in close consultation with local, national and global public health authorities around the world, and will strive to be iterative and transparent in our approach. We remained focused on helping people find credible health information, verifying public health experts, and updating our policies in an iterative and transparent approach."


Actually, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Twitter has been a gold mine of information, providing the Twitterverse with information that is not being disseminated by the government-controlled mainstream media like this:



This move by Twittter should concern all of us as governments roll out COVID-19 vaccines which appear, at this point in time, to be resulting in some fairly serious and unexpected side effects.


The executive teams of the world's most-used social media platforms seem to be unaware of the unintended consequences of their censorship.  By trying to control the narrative through heavy-handed tactics, they have unleashed the "Streisand effect", causing people to seek out information that they might not otherwise have cared to research.  In another example, YouTube's very heavy censorship of what it deems to be "unacceptable content" has resulted in the creation of websites like "Newtube" which has attracted a whole new class of YouTube refugees:


....and increased usage of video hosting sites like "Bitchute" by those who dare to stand against the official COVID-19, government-mandated narrative.

Perhaps we will all be lucky and some enterprising person or group of people will create an alternative to Twitter and put another technocrat in his place:

It is becoming increasingly clear that we are under social control headed like lemmings to the COVID-19 vaccine "sea" by the technocrats in charge of our online pastimes.  If the technocracy really wants us to be vaccinated, they need to let us speak freely, not censor us and not force their own ill-informed opinions on us (and that means you Bill Gates).

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