Monday, December 5, 2022

Davos 2023 - The New Systems and a Reset of the Great Reset

Apparently, even though there is a climate emergency, the global ruling class simply cannot get enough air time in their private jets and, once again as they have for the past five decades, will find themselves living it up at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.  This year's edition is entitled "Cooperation in a Fragmented World" and, by looking at the programme, the organ donor class can get a sense of the issues that are important to the oligarchy.


Here is part of the introduction to the programme:


"The world today is at a critical inflection point. The twin triggers of the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine rattled an already brittle global system. Economic growth in the world’s largest economies is stalling, while navigating headwinds from rising food and energy prices. For the first time since the 1970s, the world is facing a precarious disequilibrium with growth and inflation moving in oppositive directions. This is occurring alongside heightened geo-economic fragmentation, financial sector vulnerabilities, including stretched asset prices and high debt levels, and a climate crisis spiralling out of control, which could magnify any growth slowdown, particularly in emerging markets. Unless these systemic and interconnected risks are addressed, the promise of a “decade of action” may become a decade of uncertainty and fragility.


According to the WEF and in a wonderful case of WEF-speak, the basic tenet of this year's programme is "...the premise that the current crises, as serious as they are, are manifestations of larger systemic deficiencies accrued over time..." and that they are also "...the result of a narrow vision of systems as sectors rather than true multidisciplinary, networked entities that are highly dynamic, particularly in the context of the meta trends of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and climate change..."  Of course, with the Fourth Industrial Revolution being Schwab's love child, they are obligated to mention 4IR, aren't they?


Each of the subjects being offered for discussion and contemplation in the programme are accompanied with a solution which, as you will notice, is led with the words "New System" which, I'm guessing, is a rephrasing/reset of the term "Great Reset" which has become a term that has been much discussed among those of us who don't subscribe to the WEF's vision of the future and would, in some quarters, being considered conspiracy theorists.


Here are the issues that will be dealt with by the attendees/global god class at Davos:


1.) Addressing the Current Energy and Food Crises in the context of a New System for Energy, Climate and Nature.  In this section, attendees will look at critical measures to accelerate energy transition, parcitulalry decoupling economic growth from the growth in energy consumption which has been the key to GDP growth for centuries.  Perhaps the ruling class thinks that unicorn farts and fairy dust will replace conventional energy sources.  

Here is an interesting graphic from a lengthy report by Dr. Simon P. Michaux on energy and completely replacing fossil fuels showing the historical link between the growth in energy use and economic growth:

As well, Given that energy consumption by source looks like this: is highly unlikely that renewables will be able to provide the amount of energy needed to sustain and grow the global economy by 2030.  Perhaps the ruling class thinks that unicorn farts and fairy dust will replace conventional energy sources and will allow for sustained economic growth far into the future.  


2.) Addressing the Current High Inflation, Low Growth, High Debt Economy in the context of a New System for Investment, Trade and Infrastructure.  Given that inflation has been created by central bank monetary expansion and debt-fuelled spending by governments which has led to tightening of monetary policies which have created pain for consumers, the WEF suggests that "in a multipolar world, refashioning the economic agenda along strategic lines and rebuilding trust in the international system will take careful collaboration between all stakeholders and a new vision for economic prosperity and development."  And there we have even more of that meaningless WEF-speak.


3.) Addressing the Current Industry Headwinds in the context of a New System for Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Private Sector Innovation and Resilience.  Here we have the hard-selling of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) as quoted here (with my bold):


"Industries are being forced to reassess their investment, production and innovation decisions with the advent of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), climate change and geopolitical fragmentation of recent years. To navigate the current friction points and to strengthen future competitiveness, companies will need to foster emerging technologies of 4IR as well as optimize for agility."

You would almost be forgiven for thinking that 4IR will be the panacea for all of the global woes!


4.) Addressing the Current Social Vulnerabilities in the context of a New System for Work, Skills and Care.  With workers leaving their jobs, high numbers of unfilled jobs, tight labour markets and declining real wages, the WEF "... calls for a new social contract that supports strong investment in education, skills and healthcare that fills unmet demand, lays the ground for social mobility and ultimately future-proofs economies."

But, then again, if you own nothing and are happy, why would you need a job?


5. Addressing the Current Geopolitical Risks in the context of a New System for Dialogue and Cooperation in a Multipolar World.  Here's a direct quote from this part of the programme remembering that the World Economic Forum has long called for a multipolar world and that by stakeholders, they mean global capitalists (i.e. their corporate members):


"Systems that brought common benefit, such as trade, have been used as weapons to punish rivals, and areas that were once paragons of cooperation, like climate change, are at risk of becoming frontlines of competition. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was the latest move away from what was, for the first quarter century after the end of the Cold War, a largely cooperative global order. The geopolitical vane turned from cooperation to competition. There is a growing need for a new global system that is more stakeholder based and equipped to handle the dynamics of the 21st century.


Here's a list of who will be invited to the Annual Meeting just in case you thought that you might wish to attend (hint - you're not invited) to give you a sense of who is driving the New System agenda:


1.) Chief executives and chairs of the Forum 1,000 Partner companies actively engaged in initiatives and communities such as the International Business Council, Community of Chairpersons and Industry Governors

2.) Public figures from across the world including G7 and G20 countries, as well as heads of International Organizations

3.) Leaders from the foremost civil society, labour, media organizations as well as top thinkers and academics

4.) Members of the Global Innovators and Technology Pioneers community, the Community of Global Shapers, the Forum of Young Global Leaders and the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship

So, there you have it.  Davos 2023 is looking like a reset of the Great Reset under the guise of New Systems which, hopefully, will allow the global ruling class to foist its dystopian agenda on us all before we even know what has hit us.

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