Thursday, August 22, 2024

The 2024 Democratic Party Platform - Is Joe Biden Still in the Race?

With the Democrats releasing their 2024 election platform after the "coup"that removed Joe Biden from the race for the White House and replacing him with a candidate that the mainstream media has barely noticed over the past four years:'s an interesting exercise to look at certain details found in the now approved 2024 platform (archived here) which was compiled in July and released on Sunday August 18th, 2024.


First, although Joe Biden has been out of the race since July 21, 2024 and the Democratic Party has had a month to change their platform, references to a second Biden term appear scattered throughout the platform as shown in the following examples with my bolds throughout:


a.) page 2 - President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are running to finish the job. To grow our economy from the middle out and bottom up, not the top down. To reward work, not wealth. To lower costs. To tackle the climate crisis, lower energy costs, and secure energy independence. To protect communities and tackle the scourge of gun violence. To secure the border and fix the broken immigration system. To advance the President’s Unity Agenda. To strengthen American leadership worldwide.


b.) page 11 - Thanks to President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Minority Business Development Agency is now a permanent part of the Commerce Department, where it’s training underserved entrepreneurs. The SBA’s innovative Community Navigators program meanwhile helped 350,000 small businesses tap into resources that have helped them grow. In a second Biden term, we’ll make that Navigator program permanent, and include new lenders, new markets, and fairer taxes.


c.) page 16 - refers to a second Biden term less directly - Corporations are seeing record margins, but their share of federal taxes has fallen below 10 percent, down from 30 percent in the 1950s. It’s wrong. Trump doesn’t care: he slashed the corporate tax rate to 21 percent, down from 35 percent. President Biden will raise that rate back to 28 percent. And for those billion-dollar tax dodgers, the President signed a historic 15 percent corporate minimum tax into law. He also reached a global minimum tax agreement with 140 countries, so that big multinational companies will no longer be able to pit nations against one another in a race to the bottom. And, Biden will double the tax rate that American multinationals pay on foreign earnings to 21 percent; and end incentives, introduced by Trump, that encourage companies to shift jobs and operations overseas and book profits in low-tax countries.


d.) page 22 - refers to a second Biden term less directly - When the pandemic crushed supply chains, prices for everyday items, from food to gas to airfare, went up. But after supply bottlenecks eased, many companies didn’t lower prices in line with their falling costs. President Biden will keep calling those companies out for price gouging, and hold them accountable when they don’t pass savings on to consumers.


e.) page 46 - President Biden will continue to appoint justices and judges across the federal bench who are like Justice Jackson: brilliant jurists committed to defending American rights and freedoms.


f.) page 47 - In President Biden’s second term, he will continue selecting judges who will protect fundamental rights and who represent the diversity of the American experience. We will push for a Supreme Court that follows the rule of law, protects people's freedoms, and abides by the highest ethical standards.


g.) page 50 - President Biden, Vice President Harris, and Democrats are committed to restoring the reproductive rights Trump ripped away. With a Democratic Congress, we will pass national legislation to make Roe the law of the land again. We will strengthen access to contraception so every woman who needs it is able to get and afford it. We will protect a woman’s right to access IVF. We will repeal the Hyde Amendment. And in his second term, President Biden will continue to support access to FDA-approved medication abortion, appoint leaders at the FDA who respect science, and appoint judges who uphold fundamental freedoms.


h.) page 65 - In President Biden’s second term, he will push Congress to pass legislation that is consistent with our values as a nation. Legislation must secure the border, reform the asylum system, expand legal immigration; and keep families together by supporting a pathway for long-term undocumented individuals, improving the work authorization process, and securing the future of the DACA program.


i.) page 66 - In President Biden's second term, he will push Congress to provide the resources and authorities that we need to secure the border. This includes additional border patrol agents, immigration judges, asylum officers, cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect and stop the flow of fentanyl, and funding for cities and states that are sheltering migrants.


j.) page 68 - In his second term, President Biden will work with Congress to deploy more cutting-edge inspection machines to help detect fentanyl at our ports of entry. He will also leverage all resources of the federal government to stop tech platforms from being used for criminal conduct, including sales of dangerous drugs like fentanyl.


k.) page 74 - During President Biden’s second term, Democrats will continue to advocate for the safe and secure development of AI. We will invest in the AI Safety Institute to create guidelines, tools, benchmarks, and best practices for evaluating dangerous capabilities and mitigating AI risk. We will also prioritize funding for critical AI research and development that advances AI safety.


l.) page 75 - With a second term in office, President Biden will continue to work to prevent cancer, detect it early, deliver innovation, care for families facing cancer, and, ultimately, end cancer as we know it.


m.) page 80 - In his second term, President Biden will continue to promote a free, open, connected, prosperous, secure, and resilient Indo-Pacific. He will deepen economic engagement to drive inclusive growth. He will champion human rights. And he will continue to strengthen our traditional alliances and broaden regional partnerships to bolster deterrence and resist coercion.


n.) page 81 - In his second term, President Biden will remain focused on actions at home and abroad to outcompete China. He will continue to stand up to unfair economic practices, restrict the PRC’s access to advanced technologies that could be used to harm American interests, and reshore supply chains for materials and technologies critical for the 21st century.


o.) page 90 - President Biden has never and will never turn his back on our military. In his second term, he will continue to invest in upgrading to next-generation weapon systems, cutting-edge training opportunities, and deterrence capabilities such as our submarine force and the nuclear triad. 


In case you were wondering, Biden appears 287 times in the Democrats 2024 election platform document, compared to the current presidential candidate Kamala Harris whose name appears only 32 times.  Even Donald Trump appears more often than Harris with 150 mentions of his name.


In my opinion and given that the Democrats had nearly a month to edit their platform of any mention of a Biden second term in office, this would suggest that the Democrat Party leadership are a pretty lazy bunch who appear to be taking a 2024 election win and the support of Democratic voters for granted.

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