Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Russia and How to Flee the Western Neoliberal Agenda

The West is becoming increasingly polarized in its views on many issues, a great number of which are issues of morality.  The left believes that the right are actually "far right" and that they are racist, misogynistic, homophobic and religious ignoramuses and that they are "progressive" while the right believes that the left is pretty much responsible for the decay of society, the death of the family and the massive influx of illegal immigrants.  This polarization has become worse and worse over the past 10 years as left- and right-leaning politicians play on our differences.


There is, however, one nation that still retains its religious roots and is willing to allow Westerners who are disillusioned with the neoliberal agenda access to their traditional spiritual and moral values as you will see in this posting.


Here's how Russia's state news agency TASS reported these changes to Russia's immigration policies:



Here is the decree "On providing humanitarian support to persons who share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values" in Russian:


Here are some quotes from the decree starting with its intent:


"In order to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms, support individuals who have made a free choice in favor of spiritual, cultural, legal connection with Russian Federation..."


The decree changes Russia's immigration laws substantially as follows:


"Grant the right to apply for a temporary residence permit without taking into account the approved Government of the Russian Federation quotas and without submitting a document which:


1.) confirms proficiency in the Russian language


2.) confirms knowledge of the history of Russia and the basics of the legislation of the Russian Federation"


Eligible applicants include "foreign citizens and stateless persons who have expressed a desire to move to the Russian Federation to live from foreign countries citizenship or permanent residence based on non-acceptance of the policies implemented by these states, which impose destructive neoliberal ideological guidelines that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."


The decree goes on to state that there is a list of foreign states (which will be supplied by the government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within 30 days) that are implementing policies imposing destructive neoliberal ideologies which contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values and have been approved by the Government.


The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russia Federation will issue a temporary residence permit to applicants provided that there are no grounds for refusal.  The Ministry will issue a single-entry ordinary private visa for three months on the basis of a decision of the head of a diplomatic mission or consular office of the Russian Federation to issue a visa to a foreign citizen or stateless person.

While the Western media has us believing that Russia is part of the evil empire, in fact, in my two visits to the nation and areas well outside of the normal tourist attractions, I found that there was very little difference between life in Russia and life in the West other than language.  Russians were helpful when we needed assistance (or even when it appeared that we needed assistance and actually didn't) and were most curious about life in the West and how we viewed their nation and their leader.  Of all of the nations that I have visited and lived in during my lifetime, I would say that Russia has the potential to be quite a livable destination and were I at a different point in my life, the offer of a 3 month visa would be worth considering even as an exercise to gain a better understanding of Russia, its unique people and their spirituality and morality.

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