Wednesday, January 26, 2022

The United Nations Climate Fear Porn - Manipulating the World's Youth

Over the past two years, it has become very apparent that governments will use fear to manipulate the public into doing its bidding.  Fear is a great motivator; over the past century, governments have used fear to justify the persecution of the Jews and the resulting war in Europe, the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the all-encompassing War on Terror.  Since early 2020, it has become apparent that non-government organizations are also playing a key role in the propagation of "fear porn", including the United Nations through its agent, the World Health Organization.  As you will see in this posting, the United Nations is also playing a key role in the next global "emergency", climate change.


Let's open this posting by looking at the United Nation's Don't Choose Extinction website along with a screen capture showing the "Problem" page:



You will notice that this website is quite clearly designed to appeal to children.


The United Nations then presents its young audience with 19 excuses for not implementing the changes necessary to prevent the extinction of humanity along with reasons why the responsibility for implementing climate action rests on their shoulders which include the following four:


1.) I'm already doing as much as I can:


2.) We need fossil fuels for our economy:

3.) I'm just a kid, no one will listen to me:



4.) Climate change is a conspiracy.  It's fake news:



Now, let's look at this video entitled Don't Choose Extinction:


You will notice right away that the creators of the video have invoked the use of a dinosaur, a fixation of many young children, which goes by the name of Frankie.  In this case, the Tyrannosaurus rex is lecturing humanity on the climate.  Here is Frankie's entire lecture with my bolds:


"Listen up people.  I know a thing or two about extinction, and let me tell you, and you'd kind of think this would be obvious, going extinct is a bad thing.  And driving yourself extinct?  In 70 million years, that's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!  At least we had an asteroid, what's your excuse?  You're headed for a climate disaster, and yet every year governments spend hundred of billions of public funds on fossil fuel subsidies. Imagine if we had spent hundreds of billions per year subsidizing giant meteors.  That's what you're doing right now!  Think of all the other things you could do with that money.  Around the world, people are living in poverty.  Don't you think that helping them would make more sense than...I don't know....paying for the demise of your entire species?  Let me be real for a second.  You've got a huge opportunity right now, as you rebuild your economies and bounce back from this pandemic.  This is humanity's big chance!  So, here's my wild idea; don't choose extinction.  Save your species before it's too late.  It's time for you humans to stop making excuses and start making changes.  Thank you."


That has fear porn written all over it.  It is also interesting to see how Frankie even managed to bring the "Great Rebuild/Reset" into the equation as part of the solution to the climate crisis?


On the Toolkit part of the website, there are many resources that can be used to further the Don't Choose Extinction narrative including graphics like this:



...and videos like this:



There is also a "Full Campaign Playbook" Powerpoint presentation which can be downloaded.  It includes this information on how the United Nation's Don't Choose Extinction campaign was be rolled out:



As I stated at the beginning of this posting, governments and key global organizations have shamelessly used "fear porn" to ensure that their narrative remains intact.  My suspicion is that, once the health emergency has burned itself out in the eyes of the media and the government, the next step will be a climate emergency, using the same tactics as were used during the COVDI-19 pandemic.  The United Nations and its partner, the World Economic Forum, have used children to further their climate agenda as shown here:


...and here:


...and the rollout of the United Nation's Don't Choose Extinction campaign is using fear of a highly unlikely human extinction event to manipulate the world's youth into believing that their very existence is under imminent threat without balancing that viewpoint in any way.  

Fear and anxiety are very common among children and the United Nations is playing on this psychological interconnection by promoting a scenario where they are attempting to convince the world's youth that their  personal actions could result in an irreversible end to humanity, a concept that would terrorize any child.

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