Monday, December 30, 2024

Jimmy Carter, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Iran Hostage Crisis

With the passing of former United States president Jimmy Carter, I thought that it was pertinent to look at a key part of Carter's legacy, the Iran hostage crisis.


On November 4, 1979, a group of armed Iranian university students seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran and captured 66 American citizens.  A total of 52 United States diplomats and other U.S. citizens were held hostage 444 days and were finally released them on January 20, 1981, the day that President Ronald Reagan took office.  The crisis was precipitated by the departure of the U.S. puppet dictator Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi who had been placed into his leadership position after the CIA overthrew the democratically elected Dr. Mohammed Mossadegh in August 1953 as punishment for his nationalization of Iran's oil industry.  As a "gift" to the people of Iran, in 1957, intelligence officers from the United States and Israel assisted the Shah of Iran with the establishment of Sazeman-i Ettelaat va Amniyat-i Keshvar (the National Organization for Intelligence and Security) better known in the West as SAVAK or the Shah's Secret Police.  SAVAK's purpose was to provide intelligence for the Shah, providing him with information on his opponents and any opposition movements within Iran.  SAVAK had the power to investigate, arrest and indefinitely detain Iranians deemed guilty of opposition to the Shah's rule.  SAVAK also payed the role of hearing examiner, remanding prisoners to trial with many trials being held in secret and without the use of witnesses and defense lawyers.   According to 1979 testimony from Hassan Sana, a 23-year veteran of SAVAK, the Israelis wrote SAVAK's operational manuals and the CIA trained SAVAK agents in the use of both physical and psychological torture techniques including the use of electrodes and heated needles.  At its peak, SAVAK is believed to have had as many as 60,000 agents serving in its ranks.  Following the Revolution of 1979, many former members of SAVAK were executed by Iran's new leadership.   


What is little discussed about the hostage-taking is that the Iranian students in the U.S. embassy found thousands of pages of shredded and unshredded documents belonging to the CIA and the State Department.  Some Iranians had long believed that the U.S. Embassy was being used as an intelligence base by the CIA.  Staff at the U.S. Embassy had been busy shredding these documents in an attempt to prevent them from falling into the "wrong hands" as the nation fell into chaos during the early days of Ayatollah Khomeini, however, the thin strips of paper that the students found were reassembled into useable documents by Iranian carpet weavers as shown here:



These documents were then released to the public in 1982; the 54 volumes were published under the title "Documents from the U.S.Espionage Den".   By 1995, the number of volumes had risen to 77.  This inadvertent "security leak" is widely viewed as one of the most damaging intelligence breaches in history and predates the much discussed WikiLeaks Department of State and Edward Snowden breaches by decades.


Here is one of the more interesting documents that shows the lengths that Embassy staff went to to provide cover for the CIA officers living in their midst:



Here is the text:




2. I concur in assignments Malcolm Kalp and William Daugherty as described Reftels.


3. With opportunity available to us in the sense that we are starting from a clean slate in SRF coverage at this mission, but with regard also for the great sensitivity locally to any hint of CIA activity, it is of the highest importance that cover be the best we can come up with. Hence there is no question as to the need for second and third secretary titles for these two officers. We must have it.


4. I believe cover arrangements in terms of assignments within embassy are appropriate to present overall staffing pattern. We should however hold to the present total of four SRF officer assignments for the foreseeable future, keeping supporting staff as sparse as possible as well, until we see how things go here.


5. We are making effort to limit knowledge within emb of all SRF assignments; that effort applies particularly to Daugherty, pursuant to new program of which he is a product and about which I have been informed.


6. I suppose I need not mind the Department that the old and apparently insoluble problem of R designation for SRF officers will inevitably complicate and to some degree weaken our cover efforts locally, no matter how much we work at it. 




Embassy Charge d'Affairs Bruce Laingen was concerned about cover arrangements fro CIA officers Kalp and Daughterty.  The "R" designation is the Foreign Service Reserve status that flagged CIA officers that were operating under the cover of the State Department.  


Here is a document that provided the cover details for Thomas Ahern, the CIA's station chief in Tehran:



Here is the text:


"S E C R E T


Page 1


Cover Considerations


According to personal data in your passport, you are single, were born in Antwerp, Belgium 08Jul34, have blue eyes, have no distinguishing characteristics, and are approximately 1.88 meters tall. Your cover occupation is that of a commercial business representative.


It is not uncommon to find a Belgian whose native language is Flemish living in a nominally French-speaking section of Belgium, such as Jette. You can say that you were born in Antwerp, began work with a company with a regional office in Antwerp, then was transferred to the main offices in Brussels. Despite the fact it is only about 90 minutes driving time between Brussels and Antwerp, you decided to live in one of the suburbs of Brussels, Jette. This would explain the issuance locale of your documentation. Working from your Brussels base, you have travelled in Europe on business in the past (as reflected in your passport) and are now assigned to the Middle East section of your company. Your non-backstopped address in Jette is 174 Avenue de Jette, Jette, Belgium.


S E C R E T"


Here is a document from the U.S. Ambassador in Tehran, Laingen, to the Secretary of State seeking conditional entry or refugee status and visa clearances for former members of the Shah's regime, including members of SAVAK, the nation's dreaded secret police, formed under the guidance of the United States and Israel in 1957.  Note that the embassy files for this subject had already been destroyed or moved to Washington:

Incidentally, after the Iranian Revolution, SAVAK was dissolved by Ayatollah Khomeini and 61 SAVAK officials were executed between 1979 and 1981.  While the exact number of SAVAK's victims is unknown, the organization is estimated to have tortured and murdered thousands of the Shah's opponents.


In general, I admired President Carter, particularly his post-presidency acts of charity, and realize that the blame for the 1979 hostage crisis cannot be laid solely at his feet, however, thanks to his interactions with the Shah of Iran, he did represent Washington's meddling in Iran's internal affairs that was done solely to benefit the United States and not the people of Iran.  Thanks to the release of these documents, we now have a good sense of why Iran's leadership and many of its citizens do not trust the West given their lengthy history of unwanted interference in Iran.

Aerosolized Vaccines - The Ultimate Solution to Vaccine Hesitancy During the Next Pandemic?

One thing that the powers that ought not to be discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic was that a certain and rather significant portion of the population was hesitant to mindlessly following government mandates to be vaccinated with what they viewed as an experimental gene-based product.  As you will see in this posting, it is quite possible that technological advances could be used to ensure widespread vaccination during the next pandemic, even among those who are vaccine hesitant.


Back in 2018, EcoHealth Alliance submitted a proposal to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA, a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense codenamed DEFUSE which outlined plans to defuse the threat of bat-borne coronaviruses as shown here:



As part of the solution to coronavirus infection and resultant spreading, the researchers associated with this project would deploy vaccines using one of four methods on bats located in three caves in China's Yunan province being studied by EcoHealth Alliance scientists in partnership with the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.  In this particular case, to control the spread of the coronavirus, the vaccines (aka immune boosting molecules) would be deployed using different delivery methods including:


1.) transdermally applied nanoparticles


2.) sticky edible gels that bats mutually groom and consume


3.) aerosolization via prototype sprayers


4.) automated sprays triggered by timers and movement detectors


It is the aerosolization via prototype sprayers that I want to focus on in this posting.  Here are twon excerpts from page 20, 21 and 22 of the proposal:

The proposal refers to Filament Extension Atomization or FEA technology developed at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), a subsidiary of Xerox Corporation.  Here is a screen capture from the Stanford Research Institute's website which provides details on the Filament Extension Atomizer technology:



Note that the FEA technology can be used for drug delivery as part of its "wider range of applications".


Here is a video on Filament Extension Atomizer technology:



Now, let's put this technology together with the projected explosion in the use of drones by the military.  Do you trust your government enough to believe that they wouldn't use vaccine aerosolization technology as a means to vaccinate all of its citizens, even those who are vaccine hesitant for valid scientific reasons, during the next pandemic?  This sheds a whole new light on the "mandatory vaccination" mantra, doesn't it?

Monday, December 23, 2024

Wages in America and the Death of the American Dream

The United States Social Security Administration recently published its wage statistics for 2023 and, given the rapid increases in the cost of living since 2020, the numbers are rather sobering.


Here is a table showing the distribution of compensation earned by Americans into different bands along with the number of Americans earning that amount and the cumulative number of Americans earning that amount or less:

The raw average wage (total net compensation divided by the total number of wage earners) is as follows:


$10,660,992,637,403.90/173,670,935 = $63,932.64


According to the table, in 2023, 67.6 percent of American workers had net compensation less than or equal to the raw average wage.  With median being defined as "a value or quantity lying at the midpoint of a frequency distribution of observed values or quantities, such that there is an equal probability of falling above or below it", the median American wage was $43,222.81 in 2023.


According to FRED, median usual real weekly earnings have not increased since the first quarter of 2020 as shown here:


The compounded annual rate of change in median real weekly earnings has looked rather pathetic going all the way back to 1980:

Thanks to GOBankingRates, we have an idea of how much the "American Dream" costs United States households on an annual basis in each state of the union.  The analysis includes the following household expenditures/costs:


1.) Annual mortgages payments


2.) Annual childcare expenses


3.) Automobile expenses


4.) Groceries


5.) Health care


6.) Utilities


7.) Education


8.) Pets


9.) Discretionary spending


10.) Savings


The true cost of the American Dream in the five most expensive states (family of four with one car and a pet):


1.) Hawaii - $260,734


2.) California - $245,723


3.) Massachusetts - $242,982


4.) Washington - $209,416


5.) New Jersey - $207,462


The true cost of the American Dream in the five least expensive states (family of four with one car and a pet):


1.) Mississippi - $109,516


2.) Arkansas - $116,511


3.) Kentucky - $116,815


4.) Alabama - $117,924


5.) West Virginia - $120,559


Needless to say, a median income family earning $43,222.81 annually is far from having the ability to live the ever elusive American Dream even in the states with the least expensive lifestyles.


The American Dream is on life support.   Until wages increase to the point where household earnings start to catch up to the rapidly expanding cost of living, this situation will continue to worsen, making American households even more vulnerable to economic downturns:


Monday, December 9, 2024

Abu Muhammed al-Jolani and His Agenda for Syria - A Backgrounder

With the ultimate fate of Syria now in the hands of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham or HTS, a brief look at the group's history and leadership is in order.


Abu Muhammed al-Jolani was born in 1982 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia as Ahmed Hussein al-Sharaa where his father was a petroleum engineer.  The family returned to Syria in 1989, settling near Damascus.  Little is known of his life between 1989 and his reappearance in 2003.  As a result of the United States invasion of Iraq in 2003, he joined the al Qaeda insurgency against U.S. forces.  He was arrested by U.S. forces in Iraq in 2006 and held in custody for five years.  In 2012, al-Jolani founded Jabhat al-Nusra, an affiliate of al Qaeda in Syria, coordinating with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the head of al-Qaeda's Islamic State in Iraq which later became known as ISIL or ISIS.  Al-Jolani left Jabhat al-Nusra in 2016 over a disagreement regarding the goals of the group.  Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) or the Organization for the Liberation of the Levant was formed in 2017 from the merger of five anti-Assad Islamic militia groups and opposition under the leadership of al-Jolani. Initially, the West viewed al-Jolani's 2016 break with al-Qaeda when he formed HTS as cosmetic, however the merger that created HTS was strongly condemned by al Qaeda.  Al-Jolani's group controlled roughly half of the Idlib governorate and part of the Aleppo governorate and has an estimated 10,000 fighters with its focus on creating an Islamic Republic in Syria that would be guided by a fundamentalist interpretation of Islamic law.  HTS ran the governorate of Idlib through the Syrian Salvation Government which it founded in 2017 to provide the region with a judiciary, civil services, health care, education and infrastructure.    


On May 16, 2013, the United States listed al-Jolani as a "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" under executive order 13224,  Here is his page on the Department of State website:

Note that there is up to a $10 million reward for information on al-Jolani.


Given that al-Jolani is now the de facto leader of Syria, and that he is an avowed fundamentalist Muslim, it will be interesting to see if Western nations change their official opinion about declaring Syria's new leader and HTS as a terrorist/terroist group as shown in these two examples:


1.) The United Kingdom which proscribed HTS as an alternative name for al-Qaeda as shown here:


2.) Washington which has placed al-Jolani to their list of terrorists particularly the United Kingdom as I noted above.


Will the West now leave al-Jolani and HTS to convert Syria into a nation that lives under a strict form of Sharia law?   If I were a non-Sunni Syrian, I would be very concerned about my future under a government that was run by a fundamentalist Islamic group.




1.) Wilson Center -


2. National Counterterrorism Center -


3.) Washington Institute -

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Syria - What the Clinton Department of State Wanted for the Nation

With Bashar al-Assad's version of Syria now dead on arrival, a brief look back at history is quite interesting.  Thanks to WikiLeaks and the release of Hillary Clinton's U.S. Department of State emails to the world, we can see why Washington was cheering for  the ultimate downfall of Syria.


In an unclassified Department of State document dated November 30, 2015, we find the following with my highlights throughout:



Note that the document states that "a successful intervention in Syria would require substantial diplomatic and military leadership from the United States" and that "Washington should start by expressing its willingness to work with regional allies like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar to organize, train and arm Syrian rebel forces."  It also states that the costs of military intervention to the United States could be "limited" if Washington takes steps to arm the Syrian rebels and use its air power to ground the Syrian Air Force.  The author of the document claims that a victory over the Assad regime would have two results:


1.) strategically isolate Iran


2.) Syrians would view the United States as a friend, not an enemy


What do you think the odds are that the rebel forces that have now taken Syria will view the United States as a "friend"?  Or that Syrian civilians will view the United States as acting in their best interest once the new leadership starts to implement its extremist Islamic views on the nation?

The document also states that Libya was an easier case when it came to direct military intervention by the United States against Muammar Qaddafi.  That said, how have things turned out in Libya?  Rather than bringing Libyans under a single umbrella, the nation is now divided into several rival governments/power centres and is now home to a wide range of Islamic jihadist groups as you can see on this map:


In my humble opinion and as an observer of history, I suspect that Syria, a nation made up of Sunni Muslims, Alawites, Christians, Kurds, Turks, Druze, Isma'ilis and Shiite Muslims, will ultimately be divided geographically and socially along ethnic and religious lines.  While Bashar al-Assad may have been dictatorial, he did serve to generally keep the peace among these wide-ranging groups of people.  Now that control of the nation has fallen into the hands of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, a Sunni Islamic, Salafi-jihadist militant group that Washington has declared as a Foreign Terrorist Organization, it will be interesting to see how tolerant they are of non-Sunni Syrians.  I'm guessing that they won't be terribly tolerant of those that they view as infidels.


Right now, we don't know how involved Washington was in the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad.  What kind of back channel negotiations took place with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, Turkey, Israel and other players in the region that wanted to see an end to the Syrian nation and its close ties to Tehran?  Only time will tell just how convoluted the geopolitics are of the very brief military actions that saw an end to one of Israel's key foes in the Middle East.

In any case, as Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations have shown the world, Washington's efforts at nation-building have been a complete and utter failure with a long series of unintended and painful consequences.  Syria will be no different.  In this case, you can assure yourself that any intervention by Washington was done on behalf of and at the behest of its proxy in the Middle East - Israel.

Friday, December 6, 2024

Bill Gates and India - The Gates Foundation's Living Laboratory

In a recent interview, the world's foremost untrained virologist and vaccinologist "accidentally" said the quiet part out loud.  In an interview with Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of LinkedIn, Bill Gates waxed philosophically about his views on AI and how it will help transform all of Bill's favourite things including global health, climate change, energy and education.  Here is a quote from the lead-in to the Possible podcast:


"Reid and Aria sat down with Bill Gates to discuss his main areas of focus: climate change, energy, global health, and education—and how AI will help transform each of them. Taking a bird’s-eye view of society’s challenges, it’s easy to give in to pessimism. But as one of the most influential people in the world, Bill Gates has a unique perspective on how far humanity has come and what our potential—and timelines—for meaningful change really look like. He gets granular on everything from cows (5% of global emissions) to disease reduction and eradication (Guinea worm disease). At each turn, he has data at his fingertips to ground his beliefs. So, what current set of innovations is Bill most excited about? And what is realistically on the horizon for AI, climate change, energy, global health, and education?"


With that background, let's look at an excerpt from the hour-long interview.  Co-host Aria Finger, Hoffman's Chief of Staff, leads in with this when opening the discussion about Bill's fixation with global health:


"So I want to switch gears. Another area where I think you’re probably best known is global health. And I think as an area where AI can do so much, and my husband is a public health data scientist, so he’s particularly excited about this area of the interview. You have focused on the eradication of disease. And I think, but fact, check me, in 1980, the WHO declared that smallpox was eradicated. And that’s the first and only disease that we have eradicated. You’ve said let’s tackle polio, let’s tackle malaria. How do you pick, what is the next disease you’re going to tackle? Like what an amazing ambition and then how do you go after it?"


Gates responds with this with my bolds throughout:


"Yeah, so most diseases we’re going for a burden reduction. Only very few diseases should you try to go for eradication. because It’s very, very hard to get to zero. And right now with polio, you know, we’re in Afghanistan, we’re in Gaza, we’re in Somalia, we’re in DRC, and you know, we’re having to execute high coverage vaccination campaigns against misinformation and violence in the toughest places in the world. So it’s very, very hard. Polio’s close. There’s one called Guinea worm, which is confined to Africa where, you know, President Carter just got to a hundred, he’s been a, a champion of that. So we’re hoping he’ll be alive not only to vote in the election, but also to come to the Guinea worm celebration party. He’s going to, it’s going to take a couple years. So he’s going to have to hang on a little longer. So the magic thing that happened at the turn of the century was people got serious about global health, about really measuring, okay, kids die of diarrhea, but what caused that diarrhea?


They die of pneumonia, malaria, okay, it’s more clear what that is. But let’s, even though there’s no market, the people who die of malaria, half a million kids a year, they, it’s not like you can make a business case of, hey, go to Silicon Valley and do a malaria startup. And, you know, look at that spreadsheet the line that says life saved will look good, but the line that says profit will have a lot of red numbers because you, they can’t afford these tools. So medical science is very distorted towards rich world conditions and even amongst rich world conditions towards cancer and a few other things. So the incentive system is, you know, potentially could be improved. But the Gates Foundation, that’s our place we come to fill in, is that the things that aren’t market driven, like getting diarrhea vaccines cheap enough for all the kids of the world, not just the rich kids who don’t die of diarrhea, but the, the, that also used to be a half million now down to a hundred thousand.


So as we went from 10 million under five deaths per year in the, at the turn of the century to 5 million, diarrhea was one of our best. Pneumonia, we got a vaccine out for that, which was a very expensive vaccine that we worked with all the vaccine companies, Western and Asian, to get those prices down. And so we’re kind, we’re basically driven by the inequity where we say, why do mothers die in childbirth 20 times as much in Africa? Why do kids die 50 times as much in their first five years in poor countries, particularly Africa, but also Southeast Asia. And so we’re, you know, taking all of those and saying, okay, let’s find the best scientists. Let’s understand the field conditions, you know, is this stuff deliverable? Will it be accepted? You know, we have crazy ways of killing mosquitoes — that, that alone doesn’t get rid of malaria."


Crazy is right as you can see here:

...and here:

So now Bill's an entomologist too!  Absolutely nothing could go wrong by changing the mosquito ecosystem, could it?


Now, if we skip to the end of the interview, we find this gem during the rapid-fire question and answer section:




Yeah, exactly. I love it. So where do you see progress or momentum outside of your industry — and of course that’s very broad — that inspires you?




Well, when India’s an example of a country where, oh, there’s plenty of things that are difficult there. The health nutrition education is improving, and they’re stable enough and generating their own government revenue enough that it’s very likely that 20 years from now people will be dramatically better off. And it’s kind of a laboratory to try things that then once you prove them out in India, you can take to other places. And so our biggest non-U.S. Office for the Foundation is in, is in India. And the most number of pilot rollout things we’re doing anywhere in the world are with partners in India. You know, if you go there and you’ve never been, you might think, whoa, this is a chaotic place. And you know, you’re not used to so many levels of income all being on the street at, at the same time, but you, you will get a sense of the vibrancy. Mm-Hmm."


Here it is as seen at the 1 hour and 1 minute mark of the video:



So, there you go.


As background, here's what the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has to say about its work in India:



If you search through the Foundation's committed grants database using India as a search term, you'll find that the Foundation has written 884 grants to India in total.  Here are a few examples from the month of November 2024:



In the month of November 2024 alone, the Foundation wrote 49 grants to various organizations and projects in India.  By year, we find that the Foundation has written 130 grants in 2024, 122 grants in 2023, 79 grants in 2022, 79 grants in 2021, 50 grants in 2020 and 61 grants in 2019 to various studies that appeal to Bill Gates' sense of what he wants the world to be.  


Bill Gates views India as a test tube for his health care agenda.  This can only be described as exploitation by the world's wealthy elite at the expense of the unwashed masses who are viewed as lesser forms of life to be used to enrich the ruling class.  Apparently, brown lives just aren't worth caring about when it comes to Gatesworld.  In the end, it's always about profiteering in the guise of philanthropy.