Monday, December 30, 2024

Aerosolized Vaccines - The Ultimate Solution to Vaccine Hesitancy During the Next Pandemic?

One thing that the powers that ought not to be discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic was that a certain and rather significant portion of the population was hesitant to mindlessly following government mandates to be vaccinated with what they viewed as an experimental gene-based product.  As you will see in this posting, it is quite possible that technological advances could be used to ensure widespread vaccination during the next pandemic, even among those who are vaccine hesitant.


Back in 2018, EcoHealth Alliance submitted a proposal to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency or DARPA, a research and development agency of the United States Department of Defense codenamed DEFUSE which outlined plans to defuse the threat of bat-borne coronaviruses as shown here:



As part of the solution to coronavirus infection and resultant spreading, the researchers associated with this project would deploy vaccines using one of four methods on bats located in three caves in China's Yunan province being studied by EcoHealth Alliance scientists in partnership with the infamous Wuhan Institute of Virology.  In this particular case, to control the spread of the coronavirus, the vaccines (aka immune boosting molecules) would be deployed using different delivery methods including:


1.) transdermally applied nanoparticles


2.) sticky edible gels that bats mutually groom and consume


3.) aerosolization via prototype sprayers


4.) automated sprays triggered by timers and movement detectors


It is the aerosolization via prototype sprayers that I want to focus on in this posting.  Here are twon excerpts from page 20, 21 and 22 of the proposal:

The proposal refers to Filament Extension Atomization or FEA technology developed at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), a subsidiary of Xerox Corporation.  Here is a screen capture from the Stanford Research Institute's website which provides details on the Filament Extension Atomizer technology:



Note that the FEA technology can be used for drug delivery as part of its "wider range of applications".


Here is a video on Filament Extension Atomizer technology:



Now, let's put this technology together with the projected explosion in the use of drones by the military.  Do you trust your government enough to believe that they wouldn't use vaccine aerosolization technology as a means to vaccinate all of its citizens, even those who are vaccine hesitant for valid scientific reasons, during the next pandemic?  This sheds a whole new light on the "mandatory vaccination" mantra, doesn't it?

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