As Canadians well know, the Liberal Party of Canada very often uses abortion as a wedge/dog whistle issue, claiming that the Conservative Party of Canada will move to ban abortion in Canada. With that in mind, let's take a look at the abortion conundrum which now faces the Liberal Party of Canada and how it could affect the party in the future.
I'd like to open this posting with a quote from this article from the Catholic News Agency dated October 4, 2021:
In the article, the author notes that Pope Francis has made significant comments about abortion including the following:
1.) September 15, 2021 - Abortion is murder.
2.) September 25, 2020 - Abortion should not be considered an "essential service"
3.) October 10, 2018 - Abortion is like hiring a hitman
4.) June 16, 2018 - Abortion of disabled foetuses is like what the Nazis did
5.) February 18, 2016 - Abortion is against the Hippocratic oath and is an absolute evil.
6.) June 18, 2015 - Concern for the protection of nature is incompatible with the justification of abortion
7.) September 20, 2013 - In all its phases and at any age, human life is always sacred.
The Catholic Church has always been very clear on its anti-abortion stance throughout recent history.
Now, you may wonder how this ties into Mark Carney, Canada's current unelected Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada who is now running for election. Here's the connection:
The Tablet is a 185 year old Catholic weekly review which was founded in 1840 and is the second-oldest weekly journal in the United Kingdom.
Carney also has links to the Vatican itself; he sits on the Vatican's Steering Committee of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism which was founded in 2020, spearheaded by Lynn Forester de Rothschild (yes, that Rothschild family). Thanks to Internet Archive, we still have evidence of this leadership role in this group:
While his bio has been scrubbed from the website, we can still see his face on this image taken from this webpage:
I would imagine that it's only highly influential and active/faithful Catholics that would be considered for steering committee membership in a Vatican-sponsored Council.
Let's go back to the abortion issue. Here is a quote from a press conference held on March 23, 2025 during his election announcement:
So, in Liberal leader Carney's current world, he supports a woman's right to choose an abortion, following the lead of the Liberal Party's stance on the issue.
Now, let's put the pieces together. Mark Carney, a "high level" Catholic Church insider, a church that has very, very clearly condemned and vilified abortion, is now pro-choice. Is this a political "marriage of convenience"? Has he taken this stance to win over the Liberal voting base or, as in the the case of his sudden "deconversion" from his stance on carbon taxes as a necessary solution to achieve net zero, has he become just another political opportunist who will take any stance necessary to win votes?
Only time will tell whether this avowed Catholic truly believes in the right of a woman to choose abortion.
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