Monday, July 17, 2023

Kamala Harris - Combatting Climate Change Through Population Reduction

Sometimes the "leaders" of the world say the quiet part out loud because they so strongly believe their own brand of bullshit that they actually delude themselves into believing that the rest of us share their vision for the world.  A prime example can be found here:


Here's an excerpt from this speech given by Kamala Harris on July 14, 2023 given in a speech entitled Combatting Climate Change and Building a Clean Energy Economy at Coppin State University in Baltimore, Maryland that sets the stage:


"So, every day, all across our nation, we feel and see the impact of the climate crisis.  I mean, if you watch the morning news, it will be the lead story.  It’s been every day for the last couple of weeks.  It is the lead story.  I think we finally, at least in our progress, come to the point that most people can no longer deny it because it is so obvious.


And we have seen, around our country, where communities have been choked by drought, have been washed out by floods, and decimated by hurricanes.  Here in Baltimore, you have seen your skies darkened by wildfire smoke.  And you have seen the waters of the Chesapeake Bay rise, threatening homes and businesses that have stood for generations.


It is clear that the clock is not only ticking, it is banging.  And we must act."


Yes Kamala, no matter what humanity does, seemingly we can't avoid weather.


So, from the transcript provided on the White House website, here's the slip:



Apparently, she meant to say "pollution" but "mistakenly" said "population", at least according to the White House.  In the real world, it's called a Freudian slip which is a verbal mistake linked to the unconscious mind.  It's also Klaus Schwab's wet dream come true.


And, if you believe the White House edit of Harris' speech, I've got some swampland in Florida that I'd like to sell to you.

1 comment:

  1. … and KHarris is second in command!

    Protest congressional and executive ignorance of climate denial loudly
