Friday, March 7, 2025

The World Economic Forum and Ukraine - Building a Digital Prison

The globalist ruling class as represented by the Davos crowd is at it again.  With the recent kerfuffle in Washington and Europe over the future of Ukraine, we can assure ourselves that the World Economic Forum will be there to pick up the pieces.

Here is an announcement from the WEF on the launching of a "GovTech" centre in Kiev, only the second in the world after the centre in Berlin:

...and more:

This centre will be "part of the World Economic Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR) Network and represents only the second centre globally with a focus on GovTech following the signing of the Global Government Technology Centre Berlin (GGTC Berlin) in January 2024.  Together with GGTC Berlin, GGTC Kyiv will connect national GovTech ecosystems with a global network of experts to promote more efficient, effective and accessible public services." 

If you read down through the press release, you'll find this with my bolds:

"With technological advancements rapidly reshaping industries and societies globally, it is becoming increasingly imperative for nations to harness these innovations. In recent years, Ukraine has emerged as a global leader in GovTech and its experience can inform others in driving digital transformation within the public sector. Its Diia app with over 20 million users and the Diia platform integrate over 100 government services and tens of digital documents, ranging from digital ID cards and driver licences to business registration and social benefits, exemplifying the ways in which digital tools can simplify interactions between citizens and the state."

Or make it easier for the state to track and trace its citizens.

According to an article in Cities Today, Kiev's GovTech centre has now opened:

Here's a quote from the article:

"According to World Economic Forum Managing Director Mirek Dušek, the centre in Ukraine will support WEF’s global efforts to unlock the potential of digital technologies to improve public services and create new opportunities. And it will serve as a catalyst for public-private collaboration, fostering digital technology and innovation at a critical time for Ukraine and Europe.

Key features of the centre will include:

GovTech Observatory: A platform tracking global and national GovTech trends, enabling knowledge sharing and data-driven policy through research, tools, and global partnerships.

Innovation Gateway: A hub for piloting and scaling technologies in Ukraine, showcasing innovation in AI, EdTech, Defence Tech, and more, with global investment support.

FutureGov Education: A training platform for public sector leaders to adopt cutting-edge technologies, fostering experimentation and global collaboration.

The powers that ought not to be will be selling us the concept of "unlocking the potential of digital technologies" to "improve public services and create new opportunities" rather nebulous ideas, don't you think?

In other words, this WEF initiative will be launching point for a digital identity, an essential part of the central bank digital currency ecosystem.  Ukraine will be desperate enough for the jobs that it will go along with this plan by the rulers.  It will be simpler for the technocracy to use Ukraine to implement their plans for a digital prison by taking advantage of a nation whose infrastructure and economy has been completely destroyed, giving them the ability to build a neofeudal state from the ground up.


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