A recent release reporting side effects of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Norway dated January 14, 2021 that appeared on the Norwegian Medicines Agency website is, to say the least, shocking.
Here is the link to the original document (in Norwegian) as well as a copy of the text and a screen capture to prove its authenticity:
"Meldte bivirkninger etter koronavaksine pr. 14. januar 2021
Det er meldt om 23 dødsfall i forbindelse med vaksinasjon. Foreløpig er 13 av disse vurdert. Vanlige bivirkninger kan ha medvirket til alvorlig forløp hos skrøpelige eldre.
Publisert: 14.01.2021
Alle meldinger om dødsfall etter vaksinasjon blir nøye vurdert.
- Meldingene kan tyde på at vanlige bivirkninger fra mRNA vaksiner, slik som feber og kvalme, kan ha ført til dødsfall hos enkelte skrøpelige pasienter, sier Sigurd Hortemo, overlege i Legemiddelverket.
Les mer: Bruk av mRNA-vaksiner hos eldre
Legemiddelverket og Folkehelseinstituttet vurderer sammen alle meldinger om bivirkninger. Som følge av dette har Folkehelseinstituttet endret koronavaksinasjonsveilederen med nye råd om vaksinasjon av skrøpelige eldre.
Det er per 14. januar meldt 23 meldinger om dødsfall til bivirkningsregisteret. Tallene i selve rapporten inkluderer de tretten meldingene som er vurdert av Legemiddelverket og Folkehelseinstituttet. De øvrige meldingene er under behandling."
Here is a Google Translate translation of the document with my bolds:
"Reported side effects after coronary vaccine per. January 14, 2021
23 deaths have been reported in connection with vaccination. So far, 13 of these have been assessed. Common side effects may have contributed to a severe course in frail elderly people.
Published: 14.01.2021
All reports of deaths after vaccination are carefully considered.
- The reports may indicate that common side effects from mRNA vaccines, such as fever and nausea, may have led to deaths in some frail patients, says Sigurd Hortemo, chief physician at the Norwegian Medicines Agency.
Read more: Use of mRNA vaccines in the elderly
The Norwegian Medicines Agency and the National Institute of Public Health jointly assess all reports of side effects. As a result, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has changed the coronary vaccination guide with new advice on vaccinating the frail elderly.
As of 14 January, 23 reports of deaths have been reported to the adverse reaction register. The figures in the report itself include the thirteen reports that have been assessed by the Norwegian Medicines Agency and the National Institute of Public Health. The other messages are being processed."
So, apparently it's not enough that the elderly among us have suffered the vast majority of COVID-19-related deaths, now, the experimental and unprecedented mRNA vaccines appear to be responsible for killing even more elderly people.
Ironically, back in mid-December 2020, Norway's Minster of Health Bent Høie had this to say about the nation's vaccination program for COVID-19:
“Residents at care homes, the elderly and people with other health conditions must be vaccinated first. Then health personnel. After that, the rest of the population."
Let the COVID-19 vaccine experiment continue.
Addendum - January 16, 2021:
Since I posted this information, the Norwegian Medicines Agency has published an English language press release on the same subject dated January 14, 2021:
As well, according to "The Local", a Norwegian English news source, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health has stated the following:
“For those with the most severe frailty, even relatively mild vaccine side effects can have serious consequences. For those who have a very short remaining life span anyway, the benefit of the vaccine may be marginal or irrelevant.”
This begs the question; how do they know who has a "very short remaining life span"? From my personal experience in palliative care, even the most health-compromised individuals can have much longer lifespans than health professionals expect or predict.
The United Nations and the World Economic Forum signed a strategic partnership agreement in June of 2019 to accelerate the implementation of their sustainability plans, agenda 2030. Many of the leaders of these organizations are Malthusians, some are eugenicists, who believe that the best way to have a sustainable planet is to drastically reduce the world's population, and vaccination is a means of accomplishing this objective, i.e. kill the elderly and sterilize the young.
ReplyDeleteThere is no pandemic. What there is, is a massive propaganda campaign which primarily consists of the daily reporting of deaths in nursing homes, and the reporting of cases of positive PCR tests, which are over 90% false positives.
The propaganda to convince the public to take the vaccine is relentless. A few days ago I watched a Portuguese TV channel transmit live the supposed vaccination of a 111 year old woman. It was sickening.