Friday, December 9, 2022

The World Health Organization's Pandemic Treaty - Surveillance in the Time of a Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world took unusual measures to surveil their citizens, in particular, the use of contact tracing through the use of mobile apps which allowed governments to identify people's movements and who they associated with as well as enforcing quarantine orders, all with the alleged purpose of tracking infections.  While most people were so frightened by the spectre of contacting an infected person, there was concern in some quarters that personal privacy was being breached as governments collected and processed ever larger volumes of personal data.


This surveillance template is not going to disappear in the future if the World Health Organization gets its way.  In a conceptual zero draft copy of this document which is part of the WHO's plans to "...draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response...":



This conceptual zero draft of a potential international pandemic treaty is being considered by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) as shown here:


The conceptual zero draft was discussed in the meeting held during the three day period from December 5, 2022 to December 7, 2022 the zero draft will be ready for negotiation at the fourth INB meeting which is scheduled to start on February 27, 2023 as shown here:



Here is the surveillance part of the draft document:


Here is the updated timeframe for implementation of the World Health Organization's pandemic treaty:



If the treaty passes (and you can pretty much assure yourself that it will), it will be adopted under Articles 19, 20 and 21 of the World Health Organization Treaty which read as follows:


This means that the World Health Assembly (WHA) will be allowed to impose legally binding pandemic conventions on the WHO's member states if two-thirds of the WHA members vote in favour of the agreement.


So there you have it.  The global future response to a pandemic will be driven by a non-elected group of individuals who are largely under the control of this man, the world's foremost untrained virologist, vaccinologist and self-appointed expert on pandemics:

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